Mr. Aqua frameless glass aquariums are a great choice for aquarium owners that want a unique and contemporary look for their aquarium.
How to Flush Rowaphos Before Use in Your Aquarium
Here’s a quick video I put together that shows how I flush Rowaphos – proper flushing with purified water is vital to efficient use of this media.
Time to Clean Out The Canister Filter
I’m not a big fan of cleaning out my canister filter on my saltwater aquarium, it’s a big chore that is hard to carry out sometimes. My struggles are probably mostly due to the fact that I don’t really have a nice sink or counter top area that I can use to tear it all […]
Video: Emerald Crab vs Six Line Wrasse
If you are leary about adding an emerald crab to your tank due to safety of smaller fish, this video might give you a good idea why you are not too far off base.
How to Hand Off Your Aquarium to a Babysitter
It happens to every aquarium owner eventually. You decide you are going to go on a vacation or leave home for a while. What are you going to do with your aquarium?
Incredible Aquarium Stability
I’ve recently hit a stretch where the stability in my 75 gallon saltwater aquarium has been outstanding, and the maintenance routines have become easy and nothing bad really has happened for quite some time.
Video: Cleaner Shrimp At Work
Fish are usually jumpy critters, but when they want to be cleaned up by a cleaner shrimp, they will sit tight and let the shrimp do it’s work.
How To Easily Cure Live Rock in a New Saltwater Aquarium
There is an easy way to cure the live rock during the aquarium setup process, without having to use another separate aquarium or curing tank.
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Helping With Oil Spill
If the facility becomes activated by the government to help with the cleanup, employees will undergo training regarding cleaning animals from oil spills: CLEARWATER — If officials at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium are asked to rehabilitate animals injured by a massive oil spill spreading through the Gulf of Mexico, they will be ready to respond, […]
Amazing Aquarium Designs
Everybody knows what a standard aquarium looks like. Rectangular with lights on top. There’s some more creative designs out there, however. Check these out: The Fish Highway The Cylindrical Aquarium The Feeding Tank The Telequarium The Octopus Aquarium Aquarium Art Read a lot more information, and view several more photos of each of these amazing […]