A lessen to be learned by all: No matter the species, all animals can be picky when it comes to feeding time. If you’re not familiar with your pet’s palate, educate yourself. Seriously. For example … most folks assume piranhas eat anything. They don’t. My older brother went through a weird phase where he thought […]
Phosphate Control in Saltwater Aquariums
Phosphate control in saltwater aquariums is an important issue that can often be overlooked by saltwater aquarium owners.
Acrylic Aquarium Scratches – Fix and Prevent Them
Many aquarium owners have acrylic aquariums as opposed to glass. The acrylic is more shatter-proof than glass and won’t distort light as much, but it does scratch much more easily. Acrylic aquarium owners must be wary of scratching the glass on their aquariums. If you aren’t careful when installing the rocks and decorations or if […]
Aquarium Water Circulation is Important
The first time I hooked up some additional powerheads to my 75 gallon aquarium I was surprised at the immediate effects. The water return is right in the middle of the tank, so I put a powerhead on each end of the tank in the upper-right corners. These powerheads allowed me to create current in […]
Tips to Reduce Aquarium Energy Consumption
An aquarium runs continuously and requires a constant energy source. Over time the energy that your aquarium might be consuming can have a pretty decent impact on your electric energy bill.
The Aquarium Bathroom – From Japan
How about this aquarium for bathroom ambience? It’s an underwater bathroom! Well… kinda. This particular aquarium bathroom bathroom that is located in a cafe in Japan.
Daily Aquarium Care Tips
Your aquarium, from day-to-day, really shouldn’t require a huge amount of maintenance. On a weekly basis you’ll need to test water, maybe do water changes and change filtration media. But, the daily care of your aquarium should be quick and easy. When you think about it, fish are probably the easiest types of pets to […]
Biodome de Montreal
The Biodome de Montreal is an interesting place. The facility was originally built in 1976 for the Olympic Games. It held judo and cycling events, and now is a biodome of sorts that acts as a walk-through for four ecosystems found in the Americas. The Saint Lawrence Marine Eco-system portion of the biodome is of […]
Beautiful 400 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium
It’s hard to not gawk at saltwater aquariums as nice as this. This type of aquarium is something that is inspiring to a lot of aquarium enthusiasts. Unfortunately the video is disabled for embedding so I must link to it with a text link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJEHAhyw0jw It appears as thought the fish like their large space […]
The Benefits of Hermit Crabs in a Saltwater Aquarium
Hermit crabs, in a saltwater aquarium, can be very beneficial. As your saltwater aquarium evolves, you will eventually need to employ some sort of “cleanup crew”. What is a cleanup crew? This term usually refers to the creatures that will inhabit the substrate and live rock in your aquarium and eat all kinds of stuff […]